Healthy Back

Language: English

Instructors: Dr. Vishwanath Prabhu

Validity Period: 2 days

₹999 including GST

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Course content:

Learn the importance of the trunk in a unique way and pocket Doc’s techniques, cues and exercises to improve back health. Strategic, simple exercises that lay emphasis on improving back health. An athlete, a trainer, a runner or a fitness enthusiast, this session will inspire all. Learn cues and techniques that can be adapted for all levels of fitness. This movement-based session will expose you to the importance of your trunk in a unique way. A plug and Play session which will make you experience the applications of isometrics, concentric and eccentrics.

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How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.


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